Dirtbikes are fun to ride... They can be fun to fix too.
If you're in the same boat as me, you have had to learn how to fix most of your stuff yourself. I don't have a ton of money to take my bike to the shop for a professional to fix it every time I have a problem. I've had a pretty wide range of bike failures from a seized top end to seized linkage bearings. What has gotten me through most of it is watching instructional videos and learning how to do this stuff. I used to be terrified of doing a top end, and now that I've actually done it, it really isn't so bad. I just had to try it.
For the best instructional videos...
Transworld Motocross has tons of instructional videos, yeah a lot of them are just ads for products, it's like product placement taken to the extreme, but watching these you do learn a lot! http://motocross.transworld.net/category/how-to/